Old Books


Edict. 1820.

Edict. Mr. Manuel de Sarratea Governor of the Province of Buenos Aires. &c. (Text:) Because in no circumstance as in the current ones is the existence of a body of civic imagination more necessary to maintain order, contain anarchy and relieve the worthy civic thirds of the painful fatigue they are doing to this object. (...) (At the end:) Buenos Aires April 1st, 1820.

Large Folio -measures: 39 x 31.6 cm-, 1 sheet, V. blank. Good copy, printed on very thin paper. Offered framed.

In full “anarchy” of the year 1820, the imaginary body was created in the area of ​​the city of Buenos Aires and its campaign; that is to say, of the entire province. The norm indicated that all citizens between 15 and 60 years old (who were not in current service within another body) should enlist, “whether they are owners, capitalists, merchants, and landowners residing in the city, who having been officers of the militias civic, are in the day retired, whether they are from the privileged classes, as civil employees and councilors, including the SS. Capitulars and individuals of the consular body, lawyers, as notaries, attorneys and their dependents”. Immediately clarifying the few exceptions.



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