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An Internet site has just been launched that captivated us; work of the historian María Cristina Boixadós -who is presented accompanied by a solid team-, where she has condensed the fruit of more than twenty-five years of searches in the construction of a study on photography in the province of Córdoba since its inception in 1850, until 1940. (1)

The website has an attractive design and is open to receive information in order to motivate the public to incorporate new data. Undoubtedly, there is a lot of material not yet studied among the heirs of those photographers, in family reservoirs, and in local collections, and with correct criteria, the researcher alma mater of this challenge, has built a virtual space to disseminate and enrich knowledge.

Enfocados Córdoba -as she has called it- today gathers valuable information on the active photographers in this province throughout the first ninety years of use of the different photographic techniques. For a better understanding, she has segmented this trajectory into five periods; each with a historical introduction, and then the images and biographies of each photographer studied. A synthetic table allows observing the geographical and social mobility of the trade through the reading of the census records of 1869 and 1895 and of commercial guides.

In addition, it has a provincial cartography with the location of the active photographers in each period, and provides a reference bibliography. You already know the particular interest of our house for these specialized bibliographies, of enormous utility in each discipline.

Also, we already anticipated it, it inspires to collaborate in the section, let's interact, it suggests, and it has a space entitled "Sum of Info", where it offers the possibility of bringing information closer, noting that Enfocados "is a living project, in constant search of new material”.

In short, a happy initiative that we imagine will be of great use to everyone, to the research team and to the users of this information; researchers, various specialists and collectors, in addition to the general public.

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1. We have in our library two books authored by M. Cristina Boixadós: Córdoba fotografiada entre 1870 y 1930. Imágenes urbanas (Córdoba. Editorial of the National University of Córdoba. 2008) and Images of Córdoba. Photographs by Jorge B. Pilcher. 1870 - 1890 (Buenos Aires. Editions of the Torch. 2017)

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